About Us
Richard Belgar
Director of Operations
Jerome Bautista
Registered Manager
Jan Richie Libero
Nominated Individual
Our Aims and Objectives
Our aim is to provide care and support for people who cannot wholly look after themselves. We provide our services in people’s own home, at times convenient them, and in ways they find most agreeable. We have sound principles for the way we run our service. Central to these is our belief that the rights of service users are paramount and provide them with high/acceptable standards of quality care and support in a way which supports the independence of individuals and enables them to remain in their own homes for as long as possible.
Our Objectives are;
To enable individuals to maintain their independence
To provide individuals with information to enable them to make informed choices
To provide assistance with daily tasks to support that independence and prevent individuals from feeling helpless
Assess needs, plan and deliver all support in a way which meets the needs of the individual and respects their wishes
To provide seamless services which link with other providers of support
To support individuals to retain their dignity by continuing to live their chosen lifestyle for as long as they wish and are physically and mentally able to do so.
To provide services which are accessible to all
To provide a service that fully satisfies the needs and expectations of individuals in their own homes
To respect the individuality of our Service Users
To actively seek and value the contribution made by informal Carers, families and relevant others in care planning
To actively seek, and respond positively to feedback from our Service Users, their families and carers, other health and social care professionals and our own staff
To continuously seek ways in which our services can be improved
To protect our Service Users and Staff from hazards and abuse whilst respecting their right to take measured risks
To build and retain a stable, committed and highly trained workforce